Thursday 27 October 2016

Lucas goes to the Doctor's

White coat syndrome.

Have you ever heard the above term? Well let me explain, it refers to the fact that some of us mere mortals are not quite made of hardened steel. There are some people out there who can chat happily to their doctor whilst having a small javelin skewered into their giblets and not skip a syllable during the process. They emerge from the experience uttering fond cheerios and come out with a smile on their face sucking a lollipop.

Not old Lucas I’m afraid, I am a gibbering wreck even making the appointment, and it isn’t made any easier by the interaction on the telephone with that rare breed of person known to us all as the doctor’s receptionist, or as I call them, the doctor’s preventionist . . . 

Tuesday 14 June 2016

Lucas Goes on Holiday (An excerpt from "Beneath A Straw Boater" by Peter Jackson)

We ambled off into nearby Hornsea, and as it was my wife's turn to drag the dog, I scouted ahead, and looked into the only shop on the seafront, which strangely appeared to sell a mixture of pastel coloured buckets and spades, and hard liquor.
Glancing back to see my wife making slow progress, and by now carrying the dog, I spotted an elderly local leaning against the seafront wall, he had a haunted look about him, the look of a man who had spent too many years at the prow of a ship squinting for Haddock, I tried chatting with him, I didn't get his name, but let's call him Captain Haddock.

The above story is an excerpt from "Beneath A Straw Boater" by Peter Jackson, a collection of short stories available from Amazon.